Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Ponies

When I was younger and had less knowledge about the world of horses, ponies to me are just the young ones of the breed.  What I missed from the picture was that when ponies get older, they remain shorter than the horses and probably what made them known as the small horses.  Let me point out what made the pony different from a horse.  It is a horse, although they do not share some of these characteristics.

First is their height.  Ponies have an exact and approximate height although under or shorter than a horse’s.  This characteristic was one reason how the breed got its name.  Pony is a word that was derived from a French word poulenet which means foal or the young of a horse.  The fact that ponies are as tall as the foal this explains how they got the name.  There are some who still mistake ponies with a foal so here is more information to differentiate it from a horse.

A Shetland Pony
Observe that their head is particularly small - smaller than that of a horse’s and somehow not parallel with his body.  And looking at its hair along the neck, or the mane as it is called, its tail and its coat, observe how thick it is; everything is thicker than that of a regular horse’s.  The particularity in the thickness in their hair is one advantage and is very vital that they have evolved for being bred mostly on places with colder climates.  To me, they do not only serve as a protection but an additional crown of glory that made them even distinct and unique from that of the regular horses.

Even though they are quite smaller and stocky, even as tall as a child, they are gifted with wide chests and strong, thick bones.  Because of this, ponies are quite preferred by people to carry anything, as heavy as two more riders.  This characteristic was what made them stand out from the regular horses and considered by people to be actually stronger than the horses. 

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Finally, because ponies are extremely famous for being intelligent and quite calmer around people, especially with little kids they became the star of every show.  Ponies can perform anything as long as he is trained to and they are mostly advisable to be well suited before children who want to ride or own a horse. 

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