Monday, September 17, 2012

Poisonous Blister Beetles

There are reasons behind why some people seem not to like beetles amid their beautiful colors and cute features.  Blister beetles are one of the insects you might not want to get contact with because they secrete to release cantharidin, a blistering agent as a sign of their defense mechanism.  Blisters in the skin are not nice to look at and definitely doesn’t feel good.  Some irritations might lead to a more serious problem to people and animals that have serious allergies.

Poisonous Blister Beetles
Photo: FarmgirlFare
Much to the safety of your horse, blister beetles should be kept away.  The highly toxic substance that this insect brings can cause your horses to become lame and irritable and may even cause him death.  Blister beetles usually are found swarming in alfalfa fields which has a more possibility that might accidentally mix in the hay bales to what your horses eat.  In order to ensure your horse’s safety, always check their hay and food for insects that are dead or alive before giving it to them.  Poisons are much probably still effective even though the carrier is already dead. So, always bear in mind these reminders. To horses, blister beetles intakes are believed to be emergencies that need immediate vet care.  Some that might slip out of our control just examine these signs if they are present on your horses because they much probably are caused by the poisonous blister beetles.

The first obvious sign should be blisters found around his mouth and even on his tongue.  This sign is evidence that your horse did eat or had a contact with a poisonous insect.  Due to the blistering, notice that he will produce too much salivation and sometimes he will lose his appetite and goes off feed.  One more serious sign is the endotoxic shock that is indicated with discolored gums. 

Aside from that, notice that your horse will sweat all over and sometimes would be caused by fever.  Fever and other complications will cause him increase heart and respiratory rates so notice him being restless and breathing heavily at times.  There were also thumps present, almost like hiccups or referred to as synchronous diaphragmatic flutter.
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Colic, diarrhea and blood in manure and urine are more serious signs that might cause your horse.  Although during the lesser signs, make sure to have him examined right away by your vet to be immediately taken care of. 

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