Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Adopting Horses

When you have finally considered the factors and then decided for yourself that what you want is a horse for a companion, you might want to consider adopting one as well.  The adoption process could be a long one, but during this time the process is going to be stricter with your application.  During adoption, horses are to be taken from rescue centers and that the management around there strictly and only allows having the horses be adopted by a rightful person.  If you are that person, you are going to get through with these processes before you can own one.

Basically, what the rescue will ask you first are general information about you; name, address, occupation, expertise with horses, purpose with the adoption and to where you can safely place the horse.  All these are to be expected and you are also expected to answer these truthfully.  The purpose of these questions is for them to check if they have the kind of horse that might suit your kind of person or lifestyle.  And also, this assures that the horse, if ever you will be granted, will go to the right person and not abuse him.  This process is where the good matching begins. 

The next phase is where they would require you to submit an application letter with three references preferably from vets and trainers.  This way, the rescue is ensured that you are well suited to own a horse and that you can handle its reaction with his new environment you are bringing him to.  With this application, you are already considered a sure applicant and the rescue already sends someone to have your background checked; an assurance for your honesty and personality.  Anything that they do just to assure that you are a good handler or a soon-to-be owner and that the horse will also suit you.

Horses can be prone to parasite infestation especially if they are turned out too much. Help protect your horse from equine parasites without compromising turnout time. Trust equine dewormers from Abler.

Also, to help you find the right kind of horse for you do not limit yourself in visiting one rescue instead visit two and more so that you will meet other horses, and widen your options to choose the best one for you. 

Remember that this decision might consume a lot of work, time and cost for you but know that the long run will pay off.  If you need horses as companion, do not be the kind of adopter who care less, make sure you are worthy as well for the horse.  Most of the horses to be adopted are already full grown and are sometimes harder to tame but be confident that you have the capacity to introduce yourself nicely to him as his new master.  

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