Monday, September 24, 2012

Horse and Horse Meals

Like humans, horses have to eat regularly. However, if you missed giving your horse a meal because you were too busy, there’s no need to worry. Varying the meal schedules of your horse may decrease the likelihood of anticipatory behaviors such as stall-kicking and pacing. Hay and grains are the perfect match, served enough to keep the horse in condition, divided into many meals per day as much as possible. Do not let him eat a big serving of grains or other food especially on an empty stomach, as these may lead to colic or laminitis. However, if your horse engages in sports, every meal is important and he should be given meals on an inflexible schedule. 

The most essential thing to a horse meal is a serving of fresh water. In cold weathers, horses need more supply of water. Aside from that, make sure that you provide your horse a trace mineral block or an iodized salt block, which will provide all the vitamins and minerals your horse needs. 
Caring for a horse means doing anything you can to make sure he can enjoy a longer and better life. Keep vaccines updated as well as your equine deworming program. For affordable equine dewormers, choose Abler.
As much as possible, give your horse a natural diet. It includes a meal of grass or hay. This is to ensure your horse’s health and mental well-being. Make sure that the food you give to your horse is of good, if not the best quality of grass or hay. Never should a horse be given a meal with fungus or molds infecting it, which is detectable by sight or smell. Meals that have been infested by such molds or fungus must be disposed of immediately to avoid sickness such as laminitis.

Be careful not to overfeed an idle horse. Eating a larger amount of food than what he can burn is detrimental for his health. Overweight horses usually suffer from heart ailments because the extra fat in his body makes it hard for his heart to pump blood. If you think your horse is overweight, contact your veterinarian.

Aside from the food and its quality, your horse must be fed in a safe environment. The pasture that a horse stays in should be free of any dangerous items that might injure the horse. The field should be cleaned and free from items that might injure the horse, especially poisonous plants, which may be mistaken for food and could eventually kill the horse.

Taking care of your horse is like taking care of a friend, which is not only centered on grooming, but also of giving him the right nutrition to ensure his health.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Welsh Mountain Pony

The Welsh Mountain Pony is one of the most famous horse breeds today and is considered a breed of antiquity because of its notable Celtic pony ascendants.  Since its ancestors, the breed has been roaming the Welsh Hills for more than a thousand years.  This breed is distinguished by height, hardy and surefooted physical features.  In addition, they have known to be refined and have good soundness brought about by their strong stamina and strong, clean bones. 

Poisonous Blister Beetles

There are reasons behind why some people seem not to like beetles amid their beautiful colors and cute features.  Blister beetles are one of the insects you might not want to get contact with because they secrete to release cantharidin, a blistering agent as a sign of their defense mechanism.  Blisters in the skin are not nice to look at and definitely doesn’t feel good.  Some irritations might lead to a more serious problem to people and animals that have serious allergies.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Ponies

When I was younger and had less knowledge about the world of horses, ponies to me are just the young ones of the breed.  What I missed from the picture was that when ponies get older, they remain shorter than the horses and probably what made them known as the small horses.  Let me point out what made the pony different from a horse.  It is a horse, although they do not share some of these characteristics.

First is their height.  Ponies have an exact and approximate height although under or shorter than a horse’s.  This characteristic was one reason how the breed got its name.  Pony is a word that was derived from a French word poulenet which means foal or the young of a horse.  The fact that ponies are as tall as the foal this explains how they got the name.  There are some who still mistake ponies with a foal so here is more information to differentiate it from a horse.

A Shetland Pony
Observe that their head is particularly small - smaller than that of a horse’s and somehow not parallel with his body.  And looking at its hair along the neck, or the mane as it is called, its tail and its coat, observe how thick it is; everything is thicker than that of a regular horse’s.  The particularity in the thickness in their hair is one advantage and is very vital that they have evolved for being bred mostly on places with colder climates.  To me, they do not only serve as a protection but an additional crown of glory that made them even distinct and unique from that of the regular horses.

Even though they are quite smaller and stocky, even as tall as a child, they are gifted with wide chests and strong, thick bones.  Because of this, ponies are quite preferred by people to carry anything, as heavy as two more riders.  This characteristic was what made them stand out from the regular horses and considered by people to be actually stronger than the horses. 

Do you want to get enough savings for equine omeprazole treatment? Treat horses in your barn without spending too much! With AbGard Stable Pack, ulcers in horses are treated affordably.

Finally, because ponies are extremely famous for being intelligent and quite calmer around people, especially with little kids they became the star of every show.  Ponies can perform anything as long as he is trained to and they are mostly advisable to be well suited before children who want to ride or own a horse. 

Adopting Horses

When you have finally considered the factors and then decided for yourself that what you want is a horse for a companion, you might want to consider adopting one as well.  The adoption process could be a long one, but during this time the process is going to be stricter with your application.  During adoption, horses are to be taken from rescue centers and that the management around there strictly and only allows having the horses be adopted by a rightful person.  If you are that person, you are going to get through with these processes before you can own one.

Mane, Coat and Tail Grooming

Grooming is an essential part of taking care for our horses.  These activities that we do for them are our ways of showing them our love and passion for their presence in our lives.  Moreover, grooming will ensure their complete health and complete hygiene, hence prevention of a more expensive medication or any serious problems that might occur. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Wonder Vinegar

Owning horses makes us superman and superwoman because of all the responsibilities that we have to fulfil for their complete satisfaction.  That includes sparing them our time, effort and money.  For every problem that is encountered by our horses, there are medications that we can easily buy, though sometimes it is really costly.  And what we might just need are the old time home remedies that are tested and proven through time and are for sure seen just in our homes and will cost nothing from our wallets.