Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Arabian Horse

The Arabian horse is one of the oldest breed of horse. It is also considered a pure breed. They have been around for at least 4,500 years.  This breed of horse is known to have existed since Muhammad’s time. The breed is also believed to have been developed by the Bedouins in the deserted belt of Africa. When Islamic influence has spread, the Arabian horse was also introduced and it was bred all throughout North Africa and Middle East. It was introduce in Europe during the Moorish invasion of Spain, which was in the 7th century.

The Arabian horse is a beautiful creature with a unique appearance. They have a generally small stature but they can be easily recognized with their fine features and their dished face. Since they were bred throughout different places worldwide, various breeds have emerged with its influence and these include Shagya Arabian common in Hungary, the Polish Arabian, and the Egyptian Arabian.  The Arabian bloodline has also influenced the development of other popular breeds such as the Thoroughbred. It is still being used to improve and refine the bloodlines of other breeds.

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In acient times, they were known for their implausible endurance and courage. In the modern settings, Arabians are known for being people-oriented as they can have a loving disposition making them excellent pleasure horses and companions. This breed is also famous for its intelligence; they are adept at learning and they are willing to please their owners or riders.

If you want to get more out from your Arabian horse, you need to understand that this breed tend to shine when they are kept in large paddocks rather than being confined to small and crowded stalls. Since they are intelligent breeds, they tend to get bored very easily. This breed is known to be prone to developing stable vices when confined compared to other horses. The idea is to keep them in paddocks. To avoid boredom, you can also allow them to play with toys or certain objects such as traffic cones or horse balls.

The typical size of an Arabian horse is between 14- 15 hands. There may be instances that one would be over or under the said range of size. Arabians are usually thought of as a weak breed due to its smaller stature, but this breed has greater bone density compared to other breeds, which then makes them a en equally powerful breed as those larger horses.

Napoleon's courageous steed
Marengo's remains
A famous Arabian horse is Marengo, Napoleon’s horse. The horse has carried the Emperor in many battles and has been wounded 8 times.  The skeletal remains of this courageous steed are displayed on the National Army Museum located in Chelsea, London.

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