Friday, November 16, 2012

Horses in Autumn

I have not really gone out to take a photo of a horse in autumn.  I don't have the right skills for that - too bad. Autumn, has to be my favorite season. I just love how well-blended the colors of the leaves are - and just about everything found in nature that speaks that Autumn is definitely here. Autumn pictures are wonderful; put a horse in the picture - oh yeah, what a sight that would be. Good thing, there's Pinterest. I have all the access to millions of breathtaking captures from different people. Since, it's the season of fall, and this blog is about horses, I would like to share some of my favorite Autumn horse pictures that I have come across the web.

Image from

 This big fella right here is just adorable. Resting his head on the fence with the autumn background is just superb. Oh Autumn, I really love ya. 

 This one is from the wildlife of Utah. Just look at the color of the leaves with this lovely bright creature to contrast the whole picture. Image is courtesy of EDCUtah.

Frolicking in Autumn. Oh damn, them beautiful colored leaves with horses! Image from Bastion & Lark.

There are countless more, actually. I could go on and on daydreaming about the scene. Share your autumn horse photos here!

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